One man's comments on everything

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What South Africans really want

I joined a facebook group called precisely that : What South Africans really want.   When starting off on the journey I thought this might be an interesting group to get involved in.  I am still open to a decision on this.
Some of the normal things that happens on facebook happens here:  Commentators try to highjack your point in stead of making their own point.  Some commentators have no clue what the debate in that point is all about and goes off on a tangent.

One commentator asked me what alternatives I have to (I presume) BEE and Affirmative action. 

Here is my viewpoint :   Black economic empowerment is part of government policy now for some 16-17 years. The fact is it is trying to force White South Africa to stand back and let Black South Africa get the goodies.  This is fine with us.   It is not fine with them when they see that this doing nothing to White South Africa.  They are trying to right past wrongs with another wrong. One of the nicest scapecoats there are is "Apartheid"  
So what is an alternative ?   So called solutions that have been implemented and is not working :  Major money has been spent on buying up farms and giving it to previously disadvantaged individuals without making sure that they know how to farm.   It is expected from White farmers to get involved but no service agreement has been forthcoming.  Training is the name of the game and I will personally get involved and set up a management team of Subject specialists of all sorts and we will have these farms up and running in a year.  Why is this not happening?  The same government that now give tenders to the President's family of Billions of Rands starts heckling with us the moment they have to pay for such a project team.  This is how I see BEE in action and not insisting on Shareholderships and all that nonsens in existing White owned firms.

This is like going to war and the other side asking you to please sharpen their swords for them so they can use it against you. 

I am prepared to wager anyone who is interested that should BEE be dropped in total this country would be so far ahead in 5 years time that the past 17 years would look like it never even existed. 

We are a group of business people with the business acumen and human resources to set up such project teams at a moment's notice. We will just not do it at our expense. You want our expertise, you pay for it.
We are fed up with government looking for scapecoats and people like Desmond Tutu expecting whites to keep on saying sorry.  Ok here it is : Sorry but it is not going to happen.  We will help but as equal partners.

Affirmative action ?

See my post on the 10th of June on this blogspot about the subject.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dogmatix and other pet hates or loves

What are your likes and dislikes ?   Some people are very outspoken about likes and dislikes and will defend their views vehemently. Others do have views but will quite easily be swayed.  Then there are those that will belief anything as long as it sounds plausable. I content that the latter suffer from a deadly disease called Gullabilation.  It is incurable.

Point I am making :  What do you like and what don't you like : 

To begin with I will give you a few of mine : (O yes of course there are those that you really hate)
What I like : 
I like people that can debate intelligently without getting angry at you because of a difference in viewpoint.
Fanatics about anything cannot do this.  I like to "kuier" with friends and family.  I enjoy a good red wine and a very good 12 year single malt whisky.  (Americans cannot make whisky-It is ONLY made in Scotland)
And off course a rare braaied (South African version of Barbequed) rump steak. My garden. Spring and Summe. Local pubs (don't go their very often but I like it) Scotland.

What I don't like :  Watching sport of any kind on the TV.  Dogmatic preachers (very near to the point that I can say I hate them but not really so bad (yet) ) Perchance on Sunday evening I swithed on the tv and there was this woman preacher with her finger in the air proclaiming hell and damnation if you should dare drink wine!.  I was sure other falsifications were forthcoming so I switched the tv off again. Some people that might also not like Dogmas will keep their mouth shut and let it go.  This is the point I am trying to make:  If you do not like a thing be prepared to say so and to defend your viewpoint.  Do not be a crowd follower or pleaser. More dislikes :  Racism of any kind ( Bee is racist), smartasses, people called Julius, (they remind me of one smartass called Malema).  Winter (it is an awful time) Small cars, slow cars , farmers with hats on in bakkies. American beer.

 If you like something say so !  If it is wine, chocolates, rare meat(sorry Vegans - us other normal people do eat meat)  Because you are (might be) a bit overweight does not mean you do not have to like chocolates anymore! 

Come on readers : Humour me - add to the lists : Likes and Dislikes !?